Source code for woob.browser.filters.html

# Copyright(C) 2014 Romain Bignon
# This file is part of woob.
# woob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# woob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with woob. If not, see <>.

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from html import unescape
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import lxml.html as html

from import html2text

from .base import (
    _NO_DEFAULT, Filter, FilterError, _Selector, debug, ItemNotFound,
from .standard import CleanText

__all__ = ['CSS', 'XPath', 'XPathNotFound', 'AttributeNotFound',
           'Attr', 'Link', 'AbsoluteLink',
           'CleanHTML', 'FormValue', 'HasElement',
           'TableCell', 'ColumnNotFound',

[docs]class XPathNotFound(ItemNotFound): pass
[docs]class AttributeNotFound(ItemNotFound): pass
[docs]class ColumnNotFound(FilterError): pass
[docs]class CSS(_Selector): """Select HTML elements with a CSS selector For example:: obj_foo = CleanText(CSS('div.main')) will take the text of all ``<div>`` having CSS class "main". """
[docs] def select(self, selector, item): ret = item.cssselect(selector) if isinstance(ret, list): for el in ret: if isinstance(el, html.HtmlElement): self.highlight_el(el, item) return ret
[docs]class XPath(_Selector): """Select HTML elements with a XPath selector """ pass
[docs]class Attr(Filter): """Get the text value of an HTML attribute. Get value from attribute `attr` of HTML element matched by `selector`. For example:: obj_foo = Attr('//img[@id="thumbnail"]', 'src') will take the "src" attribute of ``<img>`` whose "id" is "thumbnail". """ def __init__(self, selector, attr, default=_NO_DEFAULT): """ :param selector: selector targeting the element :param attr: name of the attribute to take """ super(Attr, self).__init__(selector, default=default) self.attr = attr
[docs] @debug() def filter(self, el): """ :raises: :class:`XPathNotFound` if no element is found :raises: :class:`AttributeNotFound` if the element doesn't have the requested attribute """ try: return '%s' % el[0].attrib[self.attr] except IndexError: return self.default_or_raise(XPathNotFound('Unable to find element %s' % self.selector)) except KeyError: return self.default_or_raise(AttributeNotFound('Element %s does not have attribute %s' % (el[0], self.attr)))
[docs]class CleanHTML(Filter): """Convert HTML to text (Markdown) using html2text. .. seealso:: `html2text site <>`_ """ def __init__(self, selector=None, options=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT): """ :param options: options suitable for html2text :type options: dict """ super(CleanHTML, self).__init__(selector=selector, default=default) self.options = options
[docs] @debug() def filter(self, txt): if isinstance(txt, (tuple, list)): return ' '.join([self.clean(item, self.options) for item in txt]) return self.clean(txt, self.options)
[docs] @classmethod def clean(cls, txt, options=None): if not isinstance(txt, str): txt = html.tostring(txt, encoding="unicode") options = options or {} return html2text(txt, **options)
class UnrecognizedElement(Exception): pass
[docs]class FormValue(Filter): """ Extract a Python value from a form element. Checkboxes and radio return booleans, while the rest return text. For ``<select>`` tags, returns the user-visible text. """
[docs] @debug() def filter(self, el): try: el = el[0] except IndexError: return self.default_or_raise(XPathNotFound('Unable to find element %s' % self.selector)) if el.tag == 'input': # checkboxes or radios if el.attrib.get('type') in ('radio', 'checkbox'): return 'checked' in el.attrib # regular text input elif el.attrib.get('type', '') in ('', 'text', 'email', 'search', 'tel', 'url', 'password', 'hidden', 'color'): try: return str(el.attrib['value']) except KeyError: return self.default_or_raise(AttributeNotFound('Element %s does not have attribute value' % el)) # numeric input elif el.attrib.get('type', '') in ('number', 'range'): try: if '.' in el.attrib.get('step', ''): return Decimal(el.attrib['value']) else: return int(el.attrib['value']) except KeyError: return self.default_or_raise(AttributeNotFound('Element %s does not have attribute value' % el)) # datetime input try: if el.attrib.get('type', '') == 'date': return datetime.datetime.strptime(el.attrib['value'], '%Y-%m-%d').date() elif el.attrib.get('type', '') == 'time': return datetime.datetime.strptime(el.attrib['value'], '%H:%M').time() elif el.attrib.get('type', '') == 'datetime-local': return datetime.datetime.strptime(el.attrib['value'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') except KeyError: return self.default_or_raise(AttributeNotFound('Element %s does not have attribute value' % el)) else: raise UnrecognizedElement('Element %s is not recognized' % el) elif el.tag == 'textarea': return str(el.text) elif el.tag == 'select': options = el.xpath('.//option[@selected]') # default is the first one if len(options) == 0: options = el.xpath('.//option[1]') return '\n'.join(str(o.text) for o in options) else: raise UnrecognizedElement('Element %s is not recognized' % el)
[docs]class HasElement(Filter): """ Returns `yesvalue` if the `selector` finds elements, `novalue` otherwise. """ def __init__(self, selector, yesvalue=True, novalue=False): super(HasElement, self).__init__(selector, default=novalue) self.yesvalue = yesvalue
[docs] @debug() def filter(self, value): if value: return self.yesvalue return self.default_or_raise(FilterError('No default value'))
[docs]class ReplaceEntities(CleanText): """ Filter to replace HTML entities like "&eacute;" or "&#x42;" with their unicode counterpart. """
[docs] def filter(self, data): txt = super(ReplaceEntities, self).filter(data) return unescape(txt)
[docs]class TableCell(_Filter): """ Used with TableElement, gets the cell element from its name. For example: >>> from import Transaction >>> from woob.browser.elements import TableElement, ItemElement >>> class table(TableElement): ... head_xpath = '//table/thead/th' ... item_xpath = '//table/tbody/tr' ... col_date = u'Date' ... col_label = [u'Name', u'Label'] ... class item(ItemElement): ... klass = Transaction ... obj_date = Date(TableCell('date')) ... obj_label = CleanText(TableCell('label')) ... TableCell handles table tags that have a "colspan" attribute that modify the width of the column: for example <td colspan="2"> will occupy two columns instead of one, creating a column shift for all the next columns that must be taken in consideration when trying to match columns values with column heads. """ def __init__(self, *names, **kwargs): support_th = kwargs.pop('support_th', False) kwargs.pop('colspan', True) super(TableCell, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.names = names if support_th: = '(./th | ./td)[%s]' else: = './td[%s]' def __call__(self, item): # New behavior, handling colspans > 1 for name in self.names: col_idx = item.parent.get_colnum(name) if col_idx is not None: current_col = 0 for td_idx in range(col_idx + 1): ret = item.xpath( % (td_idx + 1)) if col_idx <= current_col: for el in ret: self.highlight_el(el, item) return ret if not ret: # There might no be no TD at all # ColumnNotFound seems for case when corresponding header is not found # Thus for compat return empty return [] current_col += int(ret[0].attrib.get('colspan', 1)) return self.default_or_raise(ColumnNotFound('Unable to find column %s' % ' or '.join(self.names)))