# Copyright(C) 2010-2023 Romain Bignon
# This file is part of woob.
# woob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# woob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with woob. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import importlib
import logging
import pkgutil
import sys
import warnings
from inspect import getmodule
from pathlib import Path
from importlib import metadata
except ImportError: # for Python<3.8
import importlib_metadata as metadata
from packaging.version import Version
from woob import __version__
from woob.exceptions import ModuleLoadError
from woob.tools.backend import Module
from woob.tools.log import getLogger
from woob.tools.packaging import parse_requirements
__all__ = ['LoadedModule', 'ModulesLoader', 'RepositoryModulesLoader']
[docs]class LoadedModule:
def __init__(self, package):
self.logger = getLogger('woob.backend')
self.package = package
self.klass = None
full_name = package.__name__
for attrname in dir(self.package):
attr = getattr(self.package, attrname)
# Check that the attribute is indeed a 'Module' subclass.
# Note that we check below if it is indeed defined in the
# Python module we're importing, so 'Module' itself or
# 'Module' subclasses imported from other Python modules
# won't be taken into account.
if not issubclass(attr, Module):
except TypeError:
# Argument 1 must be a class.
# Check that the attribute is indeed defined in the loaded
# Python module specifically.
module = getmodule(attr)
if module is None:
module_name = module.__name__
if (
not module_name.startswith(full_name)
or module_name[len(full_name):][:1] not in ('', '.')
# Check that there is indeed only one Module subclass defined
# in the Python module.
if self.klass is not None:
raise ImportError(
f'At least two modules are defined in "{full_name}": '
+ f'{attr!r} and {self.klass!r}',
self.klass = attr
if not self.klass:
raise ImportError(
f'{package} is not a backend (no Module class found)',
def name(self):
return self.klass.NAME
def maintainer(self):
return f'{self.klass.MAINTAINER} <{self.klass.EMAIL}>'
def version(self):
'The LoadedModule.version attribute will be removed.',
return Version(__version__).base_version
def description(self):
return self.klass.DESCRIPTION
def license(self):
return self.klass.LICENSE
def config(self):
return self.klass.CONFIG
def website(self):
if self.klass.BROWSER and hasattr(self.klass.BROWSER, 'BASEURL') and self.klass.BROWSER.BASEURL:
return self.klass.BROWSER.BASEURL
if self.klass.BROWSER and hasattr(self.klass.BROWSER, 'DOMAIN') and self.klass.BROWSER.DOMAIN:
return f'{self.klass.BROWSER.PROTOCOL}://{self.klass.BROWSER.DOMAIN}'
return None
def icon(self):
return self.klass.ICON
def path(self):
return self.package.__path__[0]
except AttributeError:
# This might yield 'mymodule/__init__.py' instead of 'mymodule'
# like the previous version, so we keep the first version if avail.
return getmodule(self.package).__file__
def dependencies(self):
return self.klass.DEPENDENCIES
[docs] def iter_caps(self):
return self.klass.iter_caps()
[docs] def has_caps(self, *caps):
"""Return True if module implements at least one of the caps."""
for c in caps:
if (isinstance(c, str) and c in [cap.__name__ for cap in self.iter_caps()]) or \
(type(c) == type and issubclass(self.klass, c)):
return True
return False
[docs] def create_instance(self, woob, backend_name, config, storage, nofail=False, logger=None):
backend_instance = self.klass(woob, backend_name, config, storage, logger=logger or self.logger, nofail=nofail)
self.logger.debug('Created backend "%s" for module "%s"', backend_name, self.name)
return backend_instance
def _add_in_modules_path(path):
import woob_modules
except ImportError:
from types import ModuleType
woob_modules = ModuleType('woob_modules')
sys.modules['woob_modules'] = woob_modules
woob_modules.__path__ = [path]
if path not in woob_modules.__path__:
[docs]class ModulesLoader:
Load modules.
LOADED_MODULE = LoadedModule
def __init__(self, path=None, version=None):
self.version = version
self.path = path
if self.path:
self.loaded = {}
self.logger = getLogger(f"{__name__}.loader")
[docs] def get_or_load_module(self, module_name):
Can raise a ModuleLoadError exception.
if module_name not in self.loaded:
return self.loaded[module_name]
[docs] def iter_existing_module_names(self):
import woob_modules
except ImportError:
for module in pkgutil.iter_modules(woob_modules.__path__):
if module.name.startswith('_') or module.name.endswith('_'):
yield module.name
[docs] def module_exists(self, name):
for existing_module_name in self.iter_existing_module_names():
if existing_module_name == name:
return True
return False
[docs] def load_all(self):
for existing_module_name in self.iter_existing_module_names():
except ModuleLoadError as e:
self.logger.warning('could not load module %s: %s', existing_module_name, e)
[docs] def load_module(self, module_name):
module_path = self.get_module_path(module_name)
if module_name in self.loaded:
self.logger.debug('Module "%s" is already loaded from %s', module_name, module_path)
# Load spec for now to check version without trying to load the module,
# as if it depends of an uninstalled dependence or a newest version of
# woob, it may crash.
module_spec = importlib.util.find_spec(f'woob_modules.{module_name}')
if module_spec is None:
raise ModuleLoadError(module_name, f'Module {module_name} does not exist')
self.check_version(module_name, module_spec)
pymodule = importlib.import_module(f'woob_modules.{module_name}')
module = self.LOADED_MODULE(pymodule)
except Exception as e:
if logging.root.level <= logging.DEBUG:
raise ModuleLoadError(module_name, e) from e
self.loaded[module_name] = module
self.logger.debug('Loaded module "%s" from %s' % (
[docs] def get_module_path(self, module_name):
return self.path
[docs] def check_version(self, module_name, module_spec):
woob_version = Version(self.version) if self.version else None
# For a directory module, module_spec.origin is
# 'woob_modules/bnp/__init__.py' so get 'woob_modules/bnp'.
# For a single-file module, module_spec.origin is
# 'woob_modules/bnp.py' so get 'woob_modules/'.
# In that case, that's not a problem, we can assume the parent
# requirements.txt file applies on all single-file modules.
requirements_path = Path(module_spec.origin).parent / 'requirements.txt'
for name, spec in parse_requirements(requirements_path).items():
if name == 'woob':
if woob_version and woob_version not in spec:
# specific user friendly error message
raise ModuleLoadError(
f"Module requires woob {spec}, but you use woob {self.version}'.\n"
"Hint: use 'woob update' or install a newer version of woob"
pkg = metadata.distribution(name)
except metadata.PackageNotFoundError as exc:
raise ModuleLoadError(
f'Module requires python package "{name}" but not installed.'
) from exc
if Version(pkg.version) not in spec:
raise ModuleLoadError(
f'Module requires python package "{name}" {spec} but version {pkg.version} is installed'
[docs]class RepositoryModulesLoader(ModulesLoader):
Load modules from repositories.
def __init__(self, repositories):
super().__init__(repositories.modules_dir, repositories.version)
self.repositories = repositories
# repositories.modules_dir is ...../woob_modules
# shouldn't be in sys.path, its parent should
# or we add it in woob_modules.__path__
# sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(repositories.modules_dir))
[docs] def iter_existing_module_names(self):
for name in self.repositories.get_all_modules_info():
yield name
[docs] def get_module_path(self, module_name):
minfo = self.repositories.get_module_info(module_name)
if minfo is None:
raise ModuleLoadError(module_name, f'No such module {module_name}')
if minfo.path is None:
raise ModuleLoadError(module_name, f'Module {module_name} is not installed')
return minfo.path