Source code for

# Copyright(C) 2010-2011 Christophe Benz
# This file is part of woob.
# woob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# woob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with woob. If not, see <>.

from woob.capabilities import UserError

__all__ = ['ResultsCondition', 'ResultsConditionError']

class IResultsCondition:
    def is_valid(self, obj):
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class ResultsConditionError(UserError): pass
class Condition: def __init__(self, left, op, right): self.left = left # Field of the object to test self.op = op self.right = right def is_egal(left, right): return left == right def is_notegal(left, right): return left != right def is_sup(left, right): return left < right def is_inf(left, right): return left > right def is_in(left, right): return left in right functions = {'!=': is_notegal, '=': is_egal, '>': is_sup, '<': is_inf, '|': is_in}
[docs]class ResultsCondition(IResultsCondition): condition_str = None # Supported operators # =, !=, <, > for float/int/decimal # =, != for strings # We build a list of list. Return true if each conditions of one list is TRUE def __init__(self, condition_str): self.limit = None or_list = [] _condition_str = condition_str.split(' LIMIT ') if len(_condition_str) == 2: try: self.limit = int(_condition_str[1]) except ValueError: raise ResultsConditionError('Syntax error in the condition expression, please check documentation') condition_str= _condition_str[0] for _or in condition_str.split(' OR '): and_list = [] for _and in _or.split(' AND '): operator = None for op in ['!=', '=', '>', '<', '|']: if op in _and: operator = op break if operator is None: raise ResultsConditionError('Could not find a valid operator in sub-expression "%s". Protect the complete condition expression with quotes, or read the documentation in the man manual.' % _and) try: l, r = _and.split(operator) except ValueError: raise ResultsConditionError('Syntax error in the condition expression, please check documentation') and_list.append(Condition(l.strip(), operator, r.strip())) or_list.append(and_list) self.condition = or_list self.condition_str = condition_str
[docs] def is_valid(self, obj): import as date_utils import re from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta d = obj.to_dict() # We evaluate all member of a list at each iteration. for _or in self.condition: myeval = True for condition in _or: if condition.left in d: # in the case of id, test id@backend and id if condition.left == 'id': tocompare = condition.right evalfullid = functions[condition.op](tocompare, d['id']) evalid = functions[condition.op](tocompare, myeval = evalfullid or evalid else: # We have to change the type of v, always gived as string by application typed = type(d[condition.left]) try: if isinstance(d[condition.left], tocompare = date(*[int(x) for x in condition.right.split('-')]) elif isinstance(d[condition.left], date_utils.datetime): splitted_datetime = condition.right.split(' ') tocompare = datetime(*([int(x) for x in splitted_datetime[0].split('-')] + [int(x) for x in splitted_datetime[1].split(':')])) elif isinstance(d[condition.left], timedelta): time_dict = re.match(r'^\s*((?P<hours>\d+)\s*h)?\s*((?P<minutes>\d+)\s*m)?\s*((?P<seconds>\d+)\s*s)?\s*$', condition.right).groupdict() tocompare = timedelta(seconds=int(time_dict['seconds'] or "0"), minutes=int(time_dict['minutes'] or "0"), hours=int(time_dict['hours'] or "0")) else: tocompare = typed(condition.right) myeval = functions[condition.op](tocompare, d[condition.left]) except: myeval = False else: raise ResultsConditionError('Field "%s" is not valid.' % condition.left) # Do not try all AND conditions if one is false if not myeval: break # Return True at the first OR valid condition if myeval: return True # If we are here, all OR conditions are False return False
def __str__(self): return self.condition_str