Source code for

# Copyright(C) 2017  Vincent Ardisson
# This file is part of woob.
# woob is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# woob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with woob. If not, see <>.

from datetime import date

from woob.capabilities.base import empty, NotLoaded
from import CapTransfer
from import CapBankWealth
from woob.exceptions import NoAccountsException
from import is_iban_valid
from import is_isin_valid
from import new_date

__all__ = ('BankStandardTest',)

def sign(n):
    if n < 0:
        return -1
    elif n > 0:
        return 1
        return 0

[docs]class BankStandardTest: """Mixin for simple tests on CapBank backends. This checks: * there are accounts * accounts have an id, a label and a balance * history is implemented (optional) * transactions have a date, a label and an amount * investments are implemented (optional) * investments have a label and a valuation * recipients are implemented (optional) * recipients have an id and a label """ allow_notimplemented_history = False allow_notimplemented_coming = False allow_notimplemented_investments = False allow_notimplemented_pockets = False allow_notimplemented_market_orders = False allow_notimplemented_emitters = False allow_notimplemented_recipients = False
[docs] def test_basic(self): try: accounts = list(self.backend.iter_accounts()) except NoAccountsException: return self.assertTrue(accounts) for account in accounts: self.check_account(account) try: self.check_history(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_history, 'iter_history should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_coming(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_coming, 'iter_coming should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_investments(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_investments, 'iter_investment should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_pockets(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_pockets, 'iter_pocket should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_market_orders(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_market_orders, 'iter_market_orders should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_recipients(account) except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_recipients, 'iter_transfer_recipients should not raise NotImplementedError') try: self.check_emitters() except NotImplementedError: self.assertTrue(self.allow_notimplemented_emitters, 'iter_emitters should not raise NotImplementedError')
[docs] def check_account(self, account): self.assertTrue(, 'account %r has no id' % account) self.assertTrue(account.label, 'account %r has no label' % account) self.assertFalse(empty(account.balance) and empty(account.coming), 'account %r should have balance or coming' % account) self.assertTrue(account.type, 'account %r is untyped' % account) self.assertTrue(account.currency, 'account %r has no currency' % account) self.assertIsNot(account.number, NotLoaded, 'account %r number is not loaded' % account) if account.iban: self.assertTrue(is_iban_valid(account.iban), 'account %r IBAN is invalid: %r' % (account, account.iban)) if account.type in (account.TYPE_LOAN,): self.assertLessEqual(account.balance, 0, 'loan %r should not have positive balance' % account) elif account.type == account.TYPE_CHECKING: self.assertTrue(account.iban, 'account %r has no IBAN' % account) elif account.type == account.TYPE_CARD: if not account.parent: self.backend.logger.warning('card account %r has no parent account', account) else: self.assertEqual(account.parent.type, account.TYPE_CHECKING, 'parent account of %r should have checking type' % account)
[docs] def check_history(self, account): for tr in self.backend.iter_history(account): self.check_transaction(account, tr, False)
[docs] def check_coming(self, account): for tr in self.backend.iter_coming(account): self.check_transaction(account, tr, True)
[docs] def check_transaction(self, account, tr, coming): today = self.assertFalse(empty(, 'transaction %r has no debit date' % tr) if tr.amount != 0: self.assertTrue(tr.amount, 'transaction %r has no amount' % tr) self.assertFalse(empty(tr.raw) and empty(tr.label), 'transaction %r has no raw or label' % tr) if coming: self.assertGreaterEqual(new_date(, today, 'coming transaction %r should be in the future' % tr) else: self.assertLessEqual(new_date(, today, 'history transaction %r should be in the past' % tr) if tr.rdate: self.assertGreaterEqual(new_date(, new_date(tr.rdate), 'transaction %r rdate should be before date' % tr) self.assertLess(abs( - tr.rdate.year), 2, 'transaction %r date (%r) and rdate (%r) are too far away' % (tr,, tr.rdate)) if tr.original_amount or tr.original_currency: self.assertTrue(tr.original_amount and tr.original_currency, 'transaction %r has missing foreign info' % tr) for inv in ( or []): self.assertTrue(inv.label, 'transaction %r investment %r has no label' % (tr, inv)) self.assertTrue(inv.valuation, 'transaction %r investment %r has no valuation' % (tr, inv))
[docs] def check_investments(self, account): if not isinstance(self.backend, CapBankWealth): return total = 0 for inv in self.backend.iter_investment(account): self.check_investment(account, inv) if not empty(inv.valuation): total += inv.valuation if total: self.assertEqual(total, account.balance, 'investments total (%s) is different than account balance (%s)' % (total, account.balance))
[docs] def check_investment(self, account, inv): self.assertTrue(inv.label, 'investment %r has no label' % inv) self.assertFalse(empty(inv.valuation), 'investment %r has no valuation' % inv) if inv.code and not inv.code.startswith('XX-'): self.assertTrue(inv.code_type, 'investment %r has code but no code type' % inv) if inv.code_type == inv.CODE_TYPE_ISIN: self.assertTrue(is_isin_valid(inv.code), 'investment %r has invalid ISIN: %r' % (inv, inv.code)) if not empty(inv.portfolio_share): self.assertTrue(0 < inv.portfolio_share <= 1, 'investment %r has invalid portfolio_share' % inv)
[docs] def check_pockets(self, account): if not isinstance(self.backend, CapBankWealth): return for pocket in self.backend.iter_pocket(account): self.check_pocket(account, pocket)
[docs] def check_pocket(self, account, pocket): self.assertTrue(pocket.amount, 'pocket %r has no amount' % pocket) self.assertTrue(pocket.label, 'pocket %r has no label' % pocket)
[docs] def check_market_orders(self, account): if not isinstance(self.backend, CapBankWealth): return for market_order in self.backend.iter_market_orders(account): self.check_market_order(account, market_order)
[docs] def check_market_order(self, account, market_order): self.assertTrue(market_order.label, 'Market order %r has no label' % market_order) self.assertFalse( empty(market_order.quantity) and empty(market_order.amount), 'Market order %r has no quantity and no amount' % market_order )
[docs] def check_recipients(self, account): if not isinstance(self.backend, CapTransfer): return for rcpt in self.backend.iter_transfer_recipients(account): self.check_recipient(account, rcpt)
[docs] def check_recipient(self, account, rcpt): self.assertTrue(, 'recipient %r has no id' % rcpt) self.assertTrue(rcpt.label, 'recipient %r has no label' % rcpt) self.assertTrue(rcpt.category, 'recipient %r has no category' % rcpt) self.assertTrue(rcpt.enabled_at, 'recipient %r has no enabled_at' % rcpt)
[docs] def check_emitters(self): if not isinstance(self.backend, CapTransfer): return for emitter in self.backend.iter_emitters(): self.check_emitter(emitter)
[docs] def check_emitter(self, emitter): self.assertTrue(, 'emitter %r has no id' % emitter)