
class TwoFactorBrowser(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: LoginBrowser, StatesMixin

Browser which inherits from LoginBrowser to implement 2FA authentication.


config (BackendConfig) – configuration of the backend

TWOFA_DURATION: ClassVar[int | float | None] = None

Period to keep the same state

It is different from STATE_DURATION which updates the expire date at each dump.

INTERACTIVE_NAME: ClassVar[str] = 'request_information'

Config’s key which is set to a non-empty value when we are in interactive mode.

AUTHENTICATION_METHODS: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable]] = {}

Dict of config keys and methods used for double authentication.

Must be set up in the init to handle function pointers.

COOKIES_TO_CLEAR: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = ()

List of cookie keys to clear before dumping state

HAS_CREDENTIALS_ONLY: ClassVar[bool] = False

Login can also be done with credentials without 2FA

SKIP_LOCATE_BROWSER_ON_CONFIG_VALUES: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = ()

Skip locate_browser if one of the config values is defined (for example its useful to prevent calling twice the url that sends an OTP)


Get expiration of the state object, using the STATE_DURATION class attribute.

Return type:

str | None


Dump the current state in a state object.

Can be overloaded by the browser subclass.

Return type:

dict[str, Any]

Return type:



From the state object, go on the saved url.


Supply a state object and load it.


Abstract method to implement initiation of login on website.

This method should raise an exception.

SCA exceptions : - AppValidation for polling method - BrowserQuestion for SMS method, token method etc.

Any other exceptions, default to BrowserIncorrectPassword.


This method will check AUTHENTICATION_METHODS to dispatch to the right handle_* method.

If no backend configuration could be found, it will then call init_login method.


This method will check AUTHENTICATION_METHODS to dispatch to the right handle_* method.

If no backend configuration could be found, it will then call init_login method.