
class CapPicross[source]

Bases: Capability

Capability for getting picross / nonogram puzzles and solving them.

can_submit_picross_puzzle_solution = False

Set to True in your module if it is possible to submit solutions under at least some circumstances (e.g. being logged in).


Iter available picross / nonogram puzzles.

Return type:



Get a picross / nonogram puzzle from its ID.


id (str) – ID of the puzzle

Return type:




submit_picross_puzzle_solution(puzzle, solution)[source]

Submit a picross / nonogram puzzle solution.

  • puzzle (Picross) – The puzzle as gathered by the module.

  • solution (PicrossSolution) – The puzzle solution.

class Picross(id='', url=NotLoaded, backend=None)[source]

Bases: BaseObject

Picross puzzle representation.

For example, take the following basic black and white puzzle:

     1 3 3 2

  3    X X X
2 1  X X   X
  2    X X
  1      X
  1      X

It is represented the following way:

lines = [(3,), (2, 1), (2,), (1,), (1,)]
columns = [(1,), (3,), (1, 3), (2,)]

Note that empty lines and/or columns are either represented with an empty tuple or as (0,) depending on what is convenient for the module, e.g. the following pattern:

   1 1 1
   1 1 1

3  X X X
3  X X X

Is either represented the following way:

lines = [(3,), (), (3,)]
columns = [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)]

Or the following way:

lines = [(3,), (0,), (3,)]
columns = [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)]

Colored puzzles, on the other hand, associate colors to a puzzle by populating color_lines and color_columns. Since it is possible to distinguish groups by using the color, it does not require gaps between groups, which can just be stuck together.

For example, take the following colored puzzle:

          2G 4G 2R 4G 2G

      3G      G  G  G
      5G   G  G  G  G  G
      5G   G  G  G  G  G
1G 1R 1G      G  R  G
      1R         R

It is represented the following way:

lines = [(3,), (5,), (5,), (1, 1, 1), (1,)]
columns = [(2,), (4,), (3, 2), (4,), (2,)]
line_colors = [(G,), (G,), (G,), (G, R, G), (R,)]
column_colors = [(G,), (G,), (G, R), (G,), (G,)]

Where R = 0xFF0000 (i.e. 16711680) and G = 0x00FF00 (i.e. 65280), since color components are integers representing sRGB colors.

  • url – (str) url

  • name – (str) The friendly name of the picross puzzle, if available

  • variant – (str) The rules variant for the picross (default: basic)

  • solved_status – (str) Whether the picross has been solved or not (default: unknown)

  • lines – (list) List of line tuples

  • columns – (list) List of column tuples

  • color_lines – (list) List of colors given to groups on rows

  • color_columns – (list) List of colors given to groups on columns

exception PicrossNotFound(msg='Picross not found')[source]

Bases: UserError

Raised when a picross puzzle is not found.

class PicrossSolution(id='', url=NotLoaded, backend=None)[source]

Bases: BaseObject

Picross puzzle solution representation.

For example, take the following puzzle:

     1 3 3 2

  3    X X X
2 1  X X   X
  2    X X
  1      X
  1      X

The puzzle is represented line by line, as the following:

lines = [' xxx', 'xx x', ' xx ', '  x ', '  x ']

Note that if the solution is for a colored picross, it is possible to deduce the colors from the puzzle data and the solution placements, and colors do not need to be included in the solution.

  • url – (str) url

  • kind – (str) The solution kind to the picross solution. (default: placements)

  • lines – (list) List of lines with x-es and spaces

class PicrossSolvedStatus(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Enum

UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
SOLVED = 'solved'
UNSOLVED = 'unsolved'