
class FrenchTransaction(id='', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Transaction

Transaction with some helpers for french bank websites.

  • url – (str) url

  • date – (date, datetime) Debit date on the bank statement

  • rdate – (date, datetime) Real date, when the payment has been made; usually extracted from the label or from credit card info

  • vdate – (date, datetime) Value date, or accounting date; usually for professional accounts

  • bdate – (date, datetime) Bank date, when the transaction appear on website (usually extracted from column date)

  • type – (int) Type of transaction, use TYPE_* constants (default: 0)

  • raw – (str) Raw label of the transaction

  • category – (str) Category of the transaction

  • label – (str) Pretty label

  • amount – (Decimal) Net amount of the transaction, used to compute account balance

  • coming – (bool) True if the transaction is not yet booked

  • card – (str) Card number (if any)

  • commission – (Decimal) Commission part on the transaction (in account currency)

  • gross_amount – (Decimal) Amount of the transaction without the commission

  • original_amount – (Decimal) Original net amount (in another currency)

  • original_currency – (str) Currency of the original amount

  • country – (str) Country of transaction

  • original_commission – (Decimal) Original commission (in another currency)

  • original_commission_currency – (str) Currency of the original commission

  • original_gross_amount – (Decimal) Original gross amount (in another currency)

  • attachments – (list) List of files attached to the transaction

  • investments – (list) List of investments related to the transaction (default: [])

  • counterparty – (TransactionCounterparty) Counterparty of transaction

  • bank_transaction_code – (BankTransactionCode) Bank transaction code of transaction

classmethod clean_amount(text)[source]

Clean a string containing an amount.

set_amount(credit='', debit='')[source]

Set an amount value from a string.

Can take two strings if there are both credit and debit columns.

parse(date, raw, vdate=None)[source]

Parse date and raw strings to create datetime.date objects, determine the type of transaction, and create a simplified label

When calling this method, you should have defined patterns (in the PATTERN class attribute) with a list containing tuples of regexp and the associated type, for example:

PATTERNS = [(re.compile(r'^VIR(EMENT)? (?P<text>.*)'), FrenchTransaction.TYPE_TRANSFER),
            (re.compile(r'^PRLV (?P<text>.*)'),        FrenchTransaction.TYPE_ORDER),
            (re.compile(r'^(?P<text>.*) CARTE \d+ PAIEMENT CB (?P<dd>\d{2})(?P<mm>\d{2}) ?(.*)$'),

In regexps, you can define this patterns:

  • text: part of label to store in simplified label

  • category: part of label representing the category

  • yy, mm, dd, HH, MM: date and time parts


alias of _TransactionElement


alias of _TransactionsElement

class Date(selector=None, symbols='', replace=[], children=True, newlines=True, transliterate=False, normalize='NFC', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CleanText


This method has to be overridden by children classes.

classmethod Raw(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class Currency(selector=None, symbols='', replace=[], children=True, newlines=True, transliterate=False, normalize='NFC', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CleanText


This method has to be overridden by children classes.

class Amount(credit, debit=None, replace_dots=True)[source]

Bases: Filter

class AmericanTransaction(id='', url=NotLoaded, backend=None)[source]

Bases: Transaction

Transaction with some helpers for american bank websites.

  • url – (str) url

  • date – (date, datetime) Debit date on the bank statement

  • rdate – (date, datetime) Real date, when the payment has been made; usually extracted from the label or from credit card info

  • vdate – (date, datetime) Value date, or accounting date; usually for professional accounts

  • bdate – (date, datetime) Bank date, when the transaction appear on website (usually extracted from column date)

  • type – (int) Type of transaction, use TYPE_* constants (default: 0)

  • raw – (str) Raw label of the transaction

  • category – (str) Category of the transaction

  • label – (str) Pretty label

  • amount – (Decimal) Net amount of the transaction, used to compute account balance

  • coming – (bool) True if the transaction is not yet booked

  • card – (str) Card number (if any)

  • commission – (Decimal) Commission part on the transaction (in account currency)

  • gross_amount – (Decimal) Amount of the transaction without the commission

  • original_amount – (Decimal) Original net amount (in another currency)

  • original_currency – (str) Currency of the original amount

  • country – (str) Country of transaction

  • original_commission – (Decimal) Original commission (in another currency)

  • original_commission_currency – (str) Currency of the original commission

  • original_gross_amount – (Decimal) Original gross amount (in another currency)

  • attachments – (list) List of files attached to the transaction

  • investments – (list) List of investments related to the transaction (default: [])

  • counterparty – (TransactionCounterparty) Counterparty of transaction

  • bank_transaction_code – (BankTransactionCode) Bank transaction code of transaction

classmethod clean_amount(text)[source]

Clean a string containing an amount.

classmethod decimal_amount(text)[source]

Convert a string containing an amount to Decimal.


Sort an iterable of transactions in reverse chronological order


Merge transactions iterators keeping sort order.

Each iterator must already be sorted in reverse chronological order.

keep_only_card_transactions(it, match_func=None)[source]

Filter iterator to keep transactions with card types.

This helper should typically be used when a banking site returns card and non-card transactions mixed on the same checking account.

Types kept are TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD and TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY. Additionally, the amount is inversed for transactions with type TYPE_CARD_SUMMARY. This is because on the deferred debit card account, summaries should be positive as the amount is debitted from checking account to credit the card account.

The match_func can be provided in case of multiple cards, to only return transactions of one card.


match_func (callable or None) – optional function to filter transactions further (default: None)


Filter iterator to omit transactions with type TYPE_DEFERRED_CARD.

This helper should typically be used when a banking site returns card and non-card transactions mixed on the same checking account.