
woob requires at least Python 3.7 to work.

From PyPI

You can use pip to install the latest woob package:

$ pip install woob

From Pipx

To install woob system wide, we recommand to use pipx.

$ pipx install woob

To install the development version

$ pipx install git+

Many modules require some dependencies, you suggest to inject these modules :

$ pipx inject woob prettytable python-jose feedparser selenium geopy cryptography pycryptodome xlrd cloudscraper jwt openai

From source code

Clone the git repository with this command:

$ git clone

Then, install with:

$ cd woob
$ pip install .

Development environment

To develop on woob, you have to setup a development environment.

If not in a virtualenv, executables are in ~/.local/bin and modules are in ~/.local/lib/:

$ pip install --user -e .

If inside a virtualenv, no need to update the paths, they are all in the virtualenv:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
$ pip install -e .

Repositories setup

As you may know, woob installs modules from remote repositories. As you probably want to use modules in sources instead of stable ones, because you will change them, or create a new one, you have to add this line at end of ~/.config/woob/sources.list:


Then, run this command:

$ woob update

Run woob without installation

This does not actually install anything, but lets you run woob from the source code, while also using the modules from that source:

$ ./tools/ COMMAND [args ..]

For example, instead of running woob video -b youtube search plop, you would run:

$ ./tools/ video -b youtube search plop