
class NoDefaultType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Type for the NO_DEFAULT constant.

class classproperty(f)[source]

Bases: object

Use it as a decorator to define a class property.

>>> class C:
...     @classproperty
...     def VERSION(self):
...         return '3.3'
clean_text(text, *, remove_newlines=True, normalize='NFC', transliterate=False)[source]

Clean a given text.

This function is used by the woob.browser.filters.standard.CleanText browser filter.

  • text (str) – The text to clean.

  • remove_newlines (bool) – Whether to transform newlines into spaces or not. (default: True) If this parameter is set to false, newlines will be normalized as UNIX-style newlines (U+000A).

  • normalize (str | bool | None) – The Unicode normalization to apply, if relevant. (default: "NFC")

  • transliterate (bool) – Whether to transliterate Unicode characters into (default: False) ASCII characters, when possible.

Return type:



The cleaned text.


Find the path to an executable by its base name (such as ‘gpg’).

The executable can be overriden using an environment variable in the form NAME_EXECUTABLE where NAME is the specified base name in upper case.

If the environment variable is not provided, the PATH will be searched both without and with a “.exe” suffix for Windows compatibility.

If the executable can not be found, None is returned.

get_backtrace(empty='Empty backtrace.')[source]

Try to get backtrace as string. Returns “Error while trying to get backtrace” on failure.

get_bytes_size(size, unit_name)[source]

Converts a unit and a number into a number of bytes.

>>> get_bytes_size(2, 'KB')
limit(iterator, lim)[source]

Iterate on the lim first elements of iterator.

polling_loop(*, count=None, timeout=None, delay=5)[source]

Delay iterator for polling loops.

The count or timeout must be specified; both can be simultaneously. The default delay is five seconds.

  • count (int) – Maximum number of iterations this loop can produce. (default: None) Can be None for unlimited retries.

  • timeout (float) – Maximum number of seconds to try the loop for. (default: None)

  • delay (float) – Delay in seconds between each iteration. (default: 5)

>>> to_unicode('ascii') == u'ascii'
>>> to_unicode(u'utf\xe9'.encode('UTF-8')) == u'utf\xe9'
>>> to_unicode(u'unicode') == u'unicode'