
POST an HTML form

class LoginPage(HTMLPage):
    def login(self, username, password):
        form = self.get_form(name='something') # will select //form[@name="something"]
        form['input_name_1'] = username        # will select .//input[@name="input_name_1"]
        form['input_name_2'] = password
        form.submit()                          # will submit the form with the browser's location()

POST form data

The data argument specifies the form data to post (it can be a string, dict or OrderedDict):

browser.location('/quux', data={'foo': 'bar'})

Will do:

POST /quux
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


It also works with URL instances:

browser.myurl.go(data={'foo': 'bar'})


Data must be encoded as a string:

browser.location('/quux', json={'foo': 'bar'})

Will do:

POST /quux
Content-Type: application/json

{"foo": "bar"}

Equivalent to:

browser.location('/quux', data=json.dumps({'foo': 'bar'}), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

Add custom headers for one request

The headers argument specifies additional headers:

browser.location('/foo', headers={'X-Foo': 1, 'X-Bar': 'hello'})


browser.myurl.go(headers={'X-Foo': 1, 'X-Bar': 'hello'})

Add headers to all requests

The build_request method can be reimplemented to prepare requests:

class MyBrowser(DomainBrowser):
    def build_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        headers = kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})
        headers['X-Foo'] = 'bar'
        return super(MyBrowser, self).build_request(*args, **kwargs)

Add query-string parameters

While data keyword urlencodes and passes in POST, params urlencodes and passes in URL:

browser.location('/qux', params={'foo': 'bar&baz'})

Will do:

GET /qux?foo=bar%26baz

It’s better than:

browser.location('/qux?' + urlencode({'foo': 'bar&baz'}))

It also works fine if some query params are already present:

browser.location('/qux?quack=duck', params={'foo': 'bar&baz'})

Will do:

GET /qux?quack=duck&foo=bar%26baz

Have multiple pages on the same URL

Define a is_here attribute in all Page class which have the same URL.

The is_here attr must be a string XPath.

If the XPath is found in the document, the Page will be matched, else other Pages will be checked:

# in

class MyBrowser(PagesBrowser):
    page_a = URL('/foo', PageA)
    page_b = URL('/foo', PageB)

# in

class PageA(HTMLPage):
    is_here = '//div[text()="List of As"]'

class PageB(HTMLPage):
    is_here = '//div[text()="Here are the Bs"]'

If an XPath is not enough, is_here can be a method returning a bool:

class PageA(HTMLPage):
    def is_here(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//div[text()="List of As"]')

Have a page which is sometimes a LoggedPage, sometimes isn’t

LoggedPage just defines logged = True while other pages define logged = False by default.

To make this attribute variable, use a @property method returning a bool:

class HomePage(HTMLPage):
    def logged(self):
        return self.doc.xpath('//a[contains(@href,"logout")]')

Skip items in a ListElement/ItemElement

There are multiple ways to skip elements:

class MyPage(HTMLPage):
    class iter_something(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//ul/li'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = SomeClass

            # condition is called before obj_* parsing takes place
            def condition(self):
                return 'foo' not in self.el.attrib['class']
                # this is a basic example, we could have done
                # item_xpath = '//ul/li[not(has-class("foo"))]'

            def obj_foo(self):
                value = CleanText('.')(self)
                if 'forbidden' in value:
                    raise SkipItem()
                return value

            obj_bar = CleanDecimal(Attr('.', 'number'))

            # validate is called after obj_* parsing is done
            def validate(self, obj):
                return != 42

Fix invalid HTML that prevents lxml to be parsed

When the document must be fixed before being parsed, build_doc() can be overridden:

class MyPage(HTMLPage):
    def build_doc(self, content):
        content = content.replace(b'\x00', b'') # when the doc erroneously contains null bytes
        return super(MyPage, self).build_doc(content)

Follow HTML <meta> redirects

Some sites do not use HTTP 3xx redirect codes but HTML <meta> refreshing. HTMLPage can handle it if enabled:

class RedirectPage(HTMLPage):

Poll data, i.e. request an endpoint regularly

For some occasions, for example waiting on the user to validate an operation on a mobile app, we poll an endpoint regularly to get a status or some additional data. In this case, the following structure should be adopted:

from import polling_loop

# ...

for _ in polling_loop(count=10):

    if != 'WAITING':
    raise AppValidationError('Still waiting after 10 iterations')

You can also use timeouts, and set the delay:

from import polling_loop

# ...

for _ in polling_loop(timeout=300, delay=10):
    # Every 10 seconds.

    if != 'WAITING':
    raise AppValidationError('Still waiting after 300 seconds')

Parse data from an HTML table

This example code isn’t very semantic and could fail silently if columns are changed:

class MyPage(HTMLPage):
    class iter_stuff(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table/tr[pos() > 1]' # data rows

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Stuff

            obj_id = CleanText('./td[1]')
            obj_foo = CleanText('./td[2]')

It can be improved by using a TableElement and the column labels:

class MyPage(HTMLPage):
    class iter_stuff(TableElement):
        head_xpath = '//table/tr/th' # where to look for column titles

        # these are the column titles from the site
        col_id = 'Identifier'  # Exact match
        col_foo = re.compile(r'^Foo value for today \(.*\)')  # regexp for finer matching
        col_bar = ['Bar', 'Barr']  # Multiple exact matches

        item_xpath = '//table/tr[pos() > 1]' # data rows

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Stuff

            obj_id = CleanText(TableCell('id'))
            obj_foo = CleanText(TableCell('foo'))

Handle multiple tables with similar headers

Sometimes, you might encounter a page with multiple tables to parse. The columns are titled the same, but they aren’t at the same column index. So, it’s required to restart TableElement column processing for each table. It’s possible to encapsulate elements in other elements:

class MultiPage(HTMLPage):
    class iter_stuff(ListElement):
        item_xpath = '//table'

        class one_table(TableElement):
            head_xpath = './thead/tr/th'
            item_xpath = './tbody/tr'

            col_foo = 'Foo'

            class item(ItemElement):
                obj_foo = CleanText(TableCell('foo'))

Handle pagination

For a simple case where there’s a “Next” link in the page:

class MyPage(HTMLPage):
    class iter_stuff(ListElement):
        next_page = AbsoluteLink('//a[text()="Next"]', default=None)
        # when it evaluates to None, pagination stops

        item_xpath = '//ul/li'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = SomeClass
            obj_text = CleanText('.')

Handle pagination with POST

When going to next page requires making a POST:

class MyPage(JsonPage):
    class iter_stuff(ListElement):
        def next_page(self):
                return requests.Request('POST',,'next_page_params'))

        item_xpath = 'items'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = SomeClass
            obj_text = Dict('text')

Handle HTTP errors

HTTP errors raise exceptions that can be caught:

class MyBrowser(PagesBrowser):
    def do_stuff(self):
        except HTTPNotFound: # in case of 404
        except ClientError as e: # in case of 4xx
            # for all these exceptions, the response attribute is set
            self.logger.warning('failed with code %d', e.response.status_code)
        except ServerError: # in case of 5xx
        except HTTPError: # other cases

Parse an object from multiple pages

Sometimes, object info is spread across multiple pages:

class Page1(HTMLPage):
    class get_stuff(ItemElement):
        klass = Stuff

        obj_foo = CleanText('//h1')

class Page2(HTMLPage):
    class fill_stuff(ItemElement):
        klass = Stuff
        # if we're sure we'll always go on Page1 first, we can omit previous line

        obj_bar = CleanText('//a[@class="bar"]')

Since the pages contain different attributes, info can be merged easily:

def get_stuff(self):
    stuff =  # get a Stuff object with foo set

    self.page2.go()  # fill existing Stuff object's bar

    return stuff  # foo and bar are set

This can also be useful for implementing fillobj().

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work when multiple objects are parsed (for example, in a ListElement). In this case, manual merging is required, and linking objects from each page.

Use ItemElement with non-scalar attributes

Some BaseObject subclasses have fields of other BaseObject types, for example:

class Foo(BaseObject):
    name = StringField('name')

class Bar(BaseObject):
    simple = StringField('simple')
    foo = Field('foo', Foo)
    multiple = Field('multiple foo objects', list)

They may still be parsed with ItemElement:

class item(ItemElement):
    klass = Bar

    obj_simple = Attr('span', 'class')

    class obj_foo(ItemElement):
        klass = Foo

        obj_name = CleanText('span')

This also works for ListElement:

class item(ItemElement):
    klass = Bar

    class obj_multiple(ListElement):
        item_xpath = './/li'

        class item(ItemElement):
            klass = Foo

            obj_name = CleanText('.')